Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels mission is to
prayerfully support All Saints
Catholic School and families
as we build God’s kingdom
one child at a time.
* Join us the first Thursday of each month
at 5:30pm in the school cafeteria
Who Are The Guardian Angels?
The Guardian Angels (referred to as GA) is a group composed of parents, grandparents, current students, teachers, school faculty, school board members and alumni. We strive to be a welcoming group for new and existing families. All are encouraged to join this incredible team! There is a large need for more people to be involved! Come share your talents and time helping build and strengthen our community!
What does GA do?
GA supports the school, students and All Saints families by providing funding and activities not covered in the school budget. Our resources and decisions are voted on at our monthly GA meetings held the first Thursday of each month at 5:30pm in the school cafeteria.
We fundraise and collect donations for needed items (like new underwear for the clothing closet). One of 2023 funding projects was to replace the school’s cafeteria trays. GA also yearly provides a college scholarship, available to ASCS alumni (please see link for more details) and assists faculty with needed supplies for special projects.
A big part of what people SEE us doing is hosting fun events like the back to school ice cream social, grandparents day cookie reception, Family Night of the bookfair, Missoula Children’s Theater, “Spring Fling” Family Fun Fair… just to name a few…. And all these awesome activities happen because of volunteers! Being involved in GA is a super fun and easy way to get in your volunteer hours and get to know other families in the school. Join us anytime!
How can I get involved?
Come to meetings! GA meets the first Thursday of every month in the school cafeteria at 5:30pm. Can’t make it at 5:30? Come late! We cover a lot of information and make our major decisions at meetings so we need people to represent the school community! At meetings we select event chairs and set dates for event specific meetings where all the little details get worked out. Those event/committee meetings will be posted on the school bulletin board in the “GA Corner”.
Can’t make it to a meeting? We often have supply and volunteer needs! We post those needs on the bulletin board and often have attachments in the weekly school newsletter – so open and read those emails so you know what’s going on 🙂 We are happy to email agendas and meeting minutes if you’re interested.
How can I contact GA?
The best way to reach GA is by email at:
This email will reach all the GA board members. If you see us at the school, please reach out- we’d love to answer any questions you might have. Look for our logo on black shirts at events!
Your 2023-2024 Guardian Angels Board from left to right:

Rachel Morgan (President), Jessee Pratt (Secretary), Alyse Cadez (President/Church Liaison), Joanne King-Livingston (Treasurer), and Julie Frazey (Vice President)